Do you ever get frustrated trying to figure out why some people act the way they do? Or wonder why you sometimes think and behave differently depending on
Where Do Your Loyalties Reside When Running a Company?
When you're leading an organization, where do your loyalties lie? Is it with the team of individuals who report to you, those relying on your guidance and direction?
The 70:20:10 Workplace Learning Model
Standing still in the age of crazy rapid change is akin to moving backward. With the ubiquity of AI, our world is starting to change far beyond our wildest
Character Analysis Report on “The Wolf” from “Pulp Fiction”
As a certified DiSC and 12 Driving Forces practitioner, I've always been fascinated by the complex interplay of personality traits and motivations that define a character. And when
Silent Enemy of Leadership: Egocentric Bias
Ah, the corner office. A bird's eye view of the hustle and bustle below, the reins of the company in your hands, and a hard-earned plaque on the
Whitehall Study: Seniority, Stress, and Team Empowerment
Picture this: you're standing atop a towering corporate skyscraper, gazing down at the world below. The bustling city, with its myriad of people and intricate networks of businesses,
The 11-Minute Revolution: How the Daily Huddle Transforms Companies
When starting with a new company operating system, such as Scaling Up, there are plenty of methods and strategies you can adopt, but I've found one surprisingly simple
AI and the Perils and Perks of Pleasure Adaptation
"Life's under no obligation to give us what we expect." - Margaret MitchellAs I contemplate a future marked by AI and automation, I can't help but feel a dichotomy
My Brother and the Unconventional Power of Humor at Work
Imagine a group of professionals huddled in a conference room, engrossed in a brainstorming session. A burst of laughter fills the air amidst the serious discussions and intense
Ultradian Rhythms: Using Your Natural Cycles for Peak Performance
The 'Ultradian Rhythm' is a vital yet under-appreciated aspect of human bio-rhythms.' These rhythmic cycles, which occur multiple times within a 24-hour period, dramatically influence an individual's energy
Emotional Intelligence and its Impact on Leadership
Think of the most influential leader you've encountered in your professional journey. What made them stand out? Was it their hard technical skills? Their strategic mindset? While these
Mastering Leadership: Exploring the Benefits and Process of Executive Coaching
Executive coaching is no longer exclusive. In the past, it may have been reserved for specific industries or high-ranking employees, but times have changed. Nowadays, executive coaching is
Personal Development Plans as a Pathway to Success (The OPPP)
Two effective tools for achieving this are personal development plans—individualized roadmaps outlining short- and long-term goals, skill gaps, and learning opportunities—and the Scaling Up One-Page Personal Plan, a
Cross-Team Collaboration as a Catalyst for Success
Encouraging collaboration between teams within an organization is more important than ever. By encouraging cross-team collaboration, leaders can break down silos, harness diverse perspectives, and unlock innovative solutions
Using Plutchik’s Wheel to Build EQ
Imagine a vibrant, multi-colored wheel, a kaleidoscope of emotions. This is Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions, a powerful tool designed by psychologist Robert Plutchik in 1981. It's not merely
Sparking Growth with Micro-Learning Opportunities
As the pace of change accelerates, it is increasingly important for leaders to prioritize continuous learning and skill development within their teams. One highly effective approach to achieving
Redefining Mentorship through Reverse Mentoring
Reverse mentoring, a practice that pairs senior team members with their junior counterparts for mutual learning, offers a unique opportunity to break down barriers, foster innovation, and create
Championing Job Rotation
By temporarily swapping team members' roles or responsibilities, leaders can create opportunities for cross-functional learning and collaboration. This process enables team members to gain new skills, develop empathy
Embracing Team Reflection
Constant change and adaptability are vital, and essential for leaders encouraging their teams to engage in regular reflection. This practice involves carving out time for team members to
Cultivating Psychological Safety
In today's competitive work environment, it is crucial for leaders to create an atmosphere where team members feel psychologically safe to express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns without