The Human User-Manual

This activity illuminates each team member's individual communication styles, strengths, and preferences, facilitating a profound understanding and respect for each other. Consequently, this mutual understanding paves the way for smoother collaboration, mitigates misunderstandings, and fosters a high-performing, synergistic team.

Quick Points
  • It fosters a deeper understanding and respect for individual working styles, improving team synergy and communication.
  • The exercise reduces friction and conflict by proactively addressing potential misunderstandings rooted in personal differences.
  • By uncovering each member's strengths and preferences, it promotes a supportive environment that enhances overall team productivity and performance.

At the core of our existence, we are remarkable story-tellers. 

Each action we undertake, every achievement we have ever made is rooted in narratives. These tales are those we narrate to ourselves as a society, governing our daily actions and shaping our perceptions. They are the intimate monologues we recite to ourselves, defining our self-identity and the lens through which we view our world.

Nestled at the heart of these narratives is the concept of trust. Without trust, our stories lose their impact, their significance. In its simplest form, as an example - when we purchase a cup of coffee, there is an unspoken abundance of trust that flows between the customer and the barista. Trust in the transaction, in the safety of the food and even in the cordial exchange of greetings.

Much of our lives are consumed at the workplace, interacting with colleagues, clients, and partners. If narratives serve as the thread that binds us and guides trust and personal growth, it stands to reason that we can strengthen our trust by narrating more impactful stories, particularly from a place of vulnerability.

Brene Brown insightfully expressed, “Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it's having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome. Vulnerability is not weakness; it's our greatest measure of courage.”

“The Human User-Manual” strives to aid teams in delving deeper into the inner narratives each individual harbors, with the ultimate goal of fostering gratifying relationships and high-trust, high-performance teams.

To guide the extent of openness, my advice is to share generously but just shy of any revelations that could potentially jeopardize a political career if disclosed publicly. I also ask you to listen with a curious and empathetic ear to the sharings of your teammates. 

I hope you find this enlightening and useful for team building!


George Morris

Head Coach,
