Sacred Cows Make the Best Burgers, It’s Time to Grill!

"That's just how things are done in this industry."Does that phrase make your skin crawl? I'm with you!When you hear those words, you've stumbled upon a sacred cow;

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Hasta La Vista, Client!

Let's get right to the point, some of your clients suck. There, I said it. And guess what? Showing them the door might be the best thing you

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Please Stop Calling it Work-Life Balance

A piercing cry jolted me awake at 3 AM. My teenage daughter was having another panic attack. For the next two hours, I sat with her, reassuring her.

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Are You Hiding Behind “We” Statements in Group Critiques?

Investment Manager, Ray Dalio adopted the principle of "radical transparency" at Bridgewater Associates in 1993. In that year, three of Dalio's top confidants confronted him with feedback that

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Eustress and the “Sweet Spot” of Challenge

2,000 feet above the Yosemite Valley floor, clings to the side of El Capitan, his fingertips and toes finding grip on the tiniest of ledges. The sheer granite

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Are You Able to Delegate?

Tracey, the CEO of a rapidly growing tech startup, greeted me on Zoom with a look of frustration. "I don't know what I'm doing wrong," she said as

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How Your Words Shape Company Culture

Let's take a moment to talk about something that's often overlooked in the hustle of running a company: the power of language. We're all guilty of getting caught up in strategies,

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Is Your Leadership Style Eroding Team Trust?

I've celebrated alongside leaders during their highs and guided them through their lows. I've witnessed the breakthroughs and the breakdowns. And if there's one universal truth I've discovered, it's

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How Coaching Boosts Employee Engagement and Productivity

When I started my digital agency, Imulus, over 15 years ago, I realized that our most valuable asset wasn't our products or our processes—it was our people. And keeping them

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How Executive Coaching Honed My Decision-Making Edge

When I started my digital agency, Imulus, over 15 years ago, I thought I knew it all. I was a fearless founder ready to conquer the world, one

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10 Battle-Tested Strategies to Scale Your Business

As a founder who's been in the trenches scaling my own companies for over 25 years, I've seen firsthand that growing a business isn't just about getting bigger,

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Orchestrating Your Meeting Symphony From Stand-Up to Weekly to Monthly

We've been conditioned to believe that meetings are the enemy of productivity. We've all have horror stories of endless, soul-sucking gatherings that drain our energy and stifle our creativity. But what if

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It’s Time We Give “Soft Skills” Some Hard Respect

"Soft skills" - the term itself feels a bit squishy, doesn't it? It's like calling a lion a "soft" predator. In reality, these skills are the backbone of successful leadership and thriving organizations. They're

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Reverse Engineering Your Company

As an executive coach working with companies looking to scale up, I often encounter businesses that need help to articulate what makes them unique and successful. This lack

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Rules vs Principles

We often rely on rules and principles to guide our decision-making. Rules provide clear boundaries, while principles allow room for judgment. Knowing when to use one versus the

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Tuning Into The Gut

“I felt it in my gut” is more than just a figure of speech - it’s an acknowledgement of our powerful intuitive capacity. As cognitive scientist Daniel Kahneman’s

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The Right vs. Learning Mindset – Why Curiosity Matters

It’s tempting to dig into our viewpoints and defend them at all costs. However, clinging too tightly to being right can limit our ability to learn, grow, and

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Could Sunlighting be a Viable Alternative to Moonlighting?

In the clients I coach, I've noticed a shift toward "sunlighting"—a term that describes how employees blend their personal projects and passions into their conventional roles, often with

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What Jim Collins missed in Good to Great, but Steve Jobs knew.

​It's been over 20 years since Jim Collins penned the instant classic, Good to Great. Since then, over four million copies have been sold. By any measure, the

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The Stop #TooBusy Challenge

"Too busy." How many times do I hear that each day? I'm guilty of uttering those words more regularly than I'd like to admit.  It's a catchphrase that

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