Rethinking Loyalty to Employees as You Grow

In the summer of 1812, Napoleon Bonaparte stood at the pinnacle of his power. As he prepared to invade Russia, he faced a crucial decision: who would lead

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Please Stop Calling it Work-Life Balance

A piercing cry jolted me awake at 3 AM. My teenage daughter was having another panic attack. For the next two hours, I sat with her, reassuring her.

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Are You Hiding Behind “We” Statements in Group Critiques?

Investment Manager, Ray Dalio adopted the principle of "radical transparency" at Bridgewater Associates in 1993. In that year, three of Dalio's top confidants confronted him with feedback that

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Eustress and the “Sweet Spot” of Challenge

2,000 feet above the Yosemite Valley floor, clings to the side of El Capitan, his fingertips and toes finding grip on the tiniest of ledges. The sheer granite

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Are You Able to Delegate?

Tracey, the CEO of a rapidly growing tech startup, greeted me on Zoom with a look of frustration. "I don't know what I'm doing wrong," she said as

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How Your Words Shape Company Culture

Let's take a moment to talk about something that's often overlooked in the hustle of running a company: the power of language. We're all guilty of getting caught up in strategies,

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Is Your Leadership Style Eroding Team Trust?

I've celebrated alongside leaders during their highs and guided them through their lows. I've witnessed the breakthroughs and the breakdowns. And if there's one universal truth I've discovered, it's

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How Coaching Boosts Employee Engagement and Productivity

When I started my digital agency, Imulus, over 15 years ago, I realized that our most valuable asset wasn't our products or our processes—it was our people. And keeping them

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How Executive Coaching Honed My Decision-Making Edge

When I started my digital agency, Imulus, over 15 years ago, I thought I knew it all. I was a fearless founder ready to conquer the world, one

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It’s Time We Give “Soft Skills” Some Hard Respect

"Soft skills" - the term itself feels a bit squishy, doesn't it? It's like calling a lion a "soft" predator. In reality, these skills are the backbone of successful leadership and thriving organizations. They're

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Tuning Into The Gut

“I felt it in my gut” is more than just a figure of speech - it’s an acknowledgement of our powerful intuitive capacity. As cognitive scientist Daniel Kahneman’s

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The Right vs. Learning Mindset – Why Curiosity Matters

It’s tempting to dig into our viewpoints and defend them at all costs. However, clinging too tightly to being right can limit our ability to learn, grow, and

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The ‘Other AI’: The Seductive Lure of Artificial Intimacy

"Alexa, I'm lonely."This sorrowful plea rings out more often than you might expect in homes with virtual assistants. It reflects a deeper human yearning for emotional connection. We

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Could Sunlighting be a Viable Alternative to Moonlighting?

In the clients I coach, I've noticed a shift toward "sunlighting"—a term that describes how employees blend their personal projects and passions into their conventional roles, often with

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The Art of Questioning

Asking questions is a skill we often overlook despite its crucial role in shaping our lives, careers, and relationships. You've probably been in a conversation where you're just

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Why You’re Paying a “Learning Penalty” and How to Beat It

Imagine you’re at a party, and someone hands you a Rubik’s Cube. You twist and turn it, fumbling as you go. It’s frustrating, right? You’re experiencing what is

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The Myth of the Heroic Leader

We love leaders. We idolize them, blame them, and expect them to save the day. This obsession with the heroic leader overlooks a critical truth: leadership is not

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Flow Triggers, A Guide to Finding Your Optimal State of Focus

Have you ever been so focused on a task that everything else around you seems to disappear? When you enter that elusive state of complete immersion and high

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A Practical Guide to Understanding Cognitive Development Levels

Do you ever get frustrated trying to figure out why some people act the way they do? Or wonder why you sometimes think and behave differently depending on

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Where Do Your Loyalties Reside When Running a Company?

When you're leading an organization, where do your loyalties lie? Is it with the team of individuals who report to you, those relying on your guidance and direction?

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