Rethinking Loyalty to Employees as You Grow

In the summer of 1812, Napoleon Bonaparte stood at the pinnacle of his power. As he prepared to invade Russia, he faced a crucial decision: who would lead

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Eustress and the “Sweet Spot” of Challenge

2,000 feet above the Yosemite Valley floor, clings to the side of El Capitan, his fingertips and toes finding grip on the tiniest of ledges. The sheer granite

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Are You Able to Delegate?

Tracey, the CEO of a rapidly growing tech startup, greeted me on Zoom with a look of frustration. "I don't know what I'm doing wrong," she said as

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How Your Words Shape Company Culture

Let's take a moment to talk about something that's often overlooked in the hustle of running a company: the power of language. We're all guilty of getting caught up in strategies,

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How Coaching Boosts Employee Engagement and Productivity

When I started my digital agency, Imulus, over 15 years ago, I realized that our most valuable asset wasn't our products or our processes—it was our people. And keeping them

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10 Battle-Tested Strategies to Scale Your Business

As a founder who's been in the trenches scaling my own companies for over 25 years, I've seen firsthand that growing a business isn't just about getting bigger,

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Strategic Insights for Every Phase of Business Growth

Guiding businesses through their growth, I've seen the excitement and hurdles at each stage. These transitions can make or break a company, turning potential stagnation into unstoppable success.

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Orchestrating Your Meeting Symphony From Stand-Up to Weekly to Monthly

We've been conditioned to believe that meetings are the enemy of productivity. We've all have horror stories of endless, soul-sucking gatherings that drain our energy and stifle our creativity. But what if

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Why I Insist on the Monthly Meeting

As a Scaling Up Coach, I've seen my fair share of eye-rolls when I bring up the Monthly Meeting. Trust me, I get it. As someone who values my time (and my

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We’ve Got Issues

For those running Weekly Meetings or EOS L10s, do you find your issue list keeps growing? Perhaps issues linger for months? Or do issues reappear time and time again without

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Reverse Engineering Your Company

As an executive coach working with companies looking to scale up, I often encounter businesses that need help to articulate what makes them unique and successful. This lack

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Rules vs Principles

We often rely on rules and principles to guide our decision-making. Rules provide clear boundaries, while principles allow room for judgment. Knowing when to use one versus the

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The Right vs. Learning Mindset – Why Curiosity Matters

It’s tempting to dig into our viewpoints and defend them at all costs. However, clinging too tightly to being right can limit our ability to learn, grow, and

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What Bezos and the Marines Share in Decision Making

General Eisenhower stood stoically behind the planning table, studying the weather reports and reconnaissance photos scattered before him. The tentative date for launching the long-awaited Allied invasion of

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Critical Number – The Scaling Up North Star Metric

A wise person once said, growth is great, until it's not. Don't get me wrong, growth is thrilling. It's a high that hits when sales are soaring, customers

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Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.

The old adage "price is what you pay, value is what you get" contains an essential truth for businesses and consumers. At its core, it's about recognizing that price

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The Myth of the Heroic Leader

We love leaders. We idolize them, blame them, and expect them to save the day. This obsession with the heroic leader overlooks a critical truth: leadership is not

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Coach Prime’s Masterclass in Decisive Leadership and Organizational Turnaround

The sports world often provides valuable parallels for the business world - the importance of teamwork, shared purpose, and tireless effort towards a goal. But the extraordinary turnaround

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Flow Triggers, A Guide to Finding Your Optimal State of Focus

Have you ever been so focused on a task that everything else around you seems to disappear? When you enter that elusive state of complete immersion and high

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Making Decisions With Fist to Five Voting

Do you ever feel like you're just going through the motions in meetings, passively nodding to ideas instead of speaking up? Or you may dread the endless debates

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