When starting with a new company operating system, such as Scaling Up, there are plenty of methods and strategies you can adopt, but I've found one surprisingly simple
User How can I tell which list to put my IDS items on, Short Term or Long Term?
Issues happen. A shared framework like Scaling Up or EOS Traction can help you and your team contextualize and systematically address the issues. In EOS, they have an element
AI and the Perils and Perks of Pleasure Adaptation
"Life's under no obligation to give us what we expect." - Margaret MitchellAs I contemplate a future marked by AI and automation, I can't help but feel a dichotomy
“Pluck the day, put very little trust in tomorrow.”
“Pluck the day, put very little trust in tomorrow.”If he spoke in English, those would have been the words of the Roman poet Horace (65 BCE — 8 BCE). It’s
Labor Hoarding In Uncertain Economic Conditions
Finding and attracting top talent has become increasingly challenging for US companies amidst economic uncertainty. However, these companies have devised a strategic response known as "labor hoarding." This
Using AI with Executive Coaching Tools Like Scaling Up
As an AI enthusiast and a professional executive coach, I see tremendous value in the incorporation of AI tools, such as ChatGPT, into our practices. The growth in
My Brother and the Unconventional Power of Humor at Work
Imagine a group of professionals huddled in a conference room, engrossed in a brainstorming session. A burst of laughter fills the air amidst the serious discussions and intense
Ultradian Rhythms: Using Your Natural Cycles for Peak Performance
The 'Ultradian Rhythm' is a vital yet under-appreciated aspect of human bio-rhythms.' These rhythmic cycles, which occur multiple times within a 24-hour period, dramatically influence an individual's energy
The Myth of the 10,000 Hour Rule
It was over a decade ago when I first picked up Malcolm Gladwell’s "Outliers." Like many readers, I was captivated by the "10,000-hour rule." Gladwell posited that roughly
Emotional Intelligence and its Impact on Leadership
Think of the most influential leader you've encountered in your professional journey. What made them stand out? Was it their hard technical skills? Their strategic mindset? While these
The Hidden Avalanche: Unmasking Underlying Issues that Erode Our Lives, Work, and Society
Michele Fait, an accomplished Italian mountaineer, along with his climbing partner, Swedish high-altitude skier Fredrik Ericsson, set out on an expedition to summit and ski down K2, the
Decoding Business Growth: Unpacking the Distinct Approaches of Scaling Up and EOS Traction
1. An Introduction to Scaling Up and EOS TractionScaling Up and EOS Traction are recognized frameworks that aid entrepreneurs in managing daily operations effectively while also offering a
“Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast”
In the words of ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu: "Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished." Go, go, go. It's been the ethos of how Americans approach work and
Mastering Leadership: Exploring the Benefits and Process of Executive Coaching
Executive coaching is no longer exclusive. In the past, it may have been reserved for specific industries or high-ranking employees, but times have changed. Nowadays, executive coaching is
Personal Development Plans as a Pathway to Success (The OPPP)
Two effective tools for achieving this are personal development plans—individualized roadmaps outlining short- and long-term goals, skill gaps, and learning opportunities—and the Scaling Up One-Page Personal Plan, a
Cross-Team Collaboration as a Catalyst for Success
Encouraging collaboration between teams within an organization is more important than ever. By encouraging cross-team collaboration, leaders can break down silos, harness diverse perspectives, and unlock innovative solutions
Using Plutchik’s Wheel to Build EQ
Imagine a vibrant, multi-colored wheel, a kaleidoscope of emotions. This is Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions, a powerful tool designed by psychologist Robert Plutchik in 1981. It's not merely
Sparking Growth with Micro-Learning Opportunities
As the pace of change accelerates, it is increasingly important for leaders to prioritize continuous learning and skill development within their teams. One highly effective approach to achieving
Redefining Mentorship through Reverse Mentoring
Reverse mentoring, a practice that pairs senior team members with their junior counterparts for mutual learning, offers a unique opportunity to break down barriers, foster innovation, and create
Championing Job Rotation
By temporarily swapping team members' roles or responsibilities, leaders can create opportunities for cross-functional learning and collaboration. This process enables team members to gain new skills, develop empathy