The Comprehensive Guide to Crafting a One-Page Strategic Plan. (OPSP)

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Quick Points
  • A one-page strategic plan aligns your team with a clear vision, mission, and core values, driving your organization towards success.
  • Following a step-by-step process helps you create a concise, actionable plan with SMART objectives, KPIs, and assigned responsibilities.
  • Regular monitoring and updating ensure your strategic plan remains relevant and adaptable, positioning your business for sustained growth and competitive advantage.
  • Table of Contents

    1. Introduction
    2. The Importance of a One-Page Strategic Plan
    3. Key Components of a One-Page Strategic Plan
    4. Creating Your One-Page Strategic Plan: A Step-by-Step Process
    5. Monitoring and Updating Your One-Page Strategic Plan
    6. Conclusion


    The Scaling Up One-Page Strategic Plan is the cornerstone of a successful Scaling-Up organization. It is a concise and powerful instrument that aligns your team around a shared vision, mission, and core values. By streamlining your strategic goals into a single, easily digestible document, you empower your team with the clarity and focus needed to make informed decisions and take decisive action. The OPSP eliminates confusion and miscommunication, fostering a unified and collaborative working environment that drives your organization to excel.

    With a well-crafted OPSP in place, your team will be laser-focused on the strategic objectives that matter most, resulting in a direct and measurable impact on your bottom line. By breaking down high-level goals into manageable action steps, assigning clear responsibilities, and establishing timelines, the OPSP ensures that everyone is working towards the same endgame. This alignment enables your team to work efficiently and effectively, propelling your organization towards its desired future state and leaving your competitors in the dust.

    The Importance of a One-Page Strategic Plan

    A well-designed one-page strategic plan offers numerous benefits for your organization:

    • Focus: It keeps your team aligned, allowing them to concentrate on what matters most.
    • Simplicity: A one-page plan is easy to understand and share, reducing confusion and miscommunication.
    • Accountability: By assigning clear responsibilities, a strategic plan fosters a culture of accountability and ownership.
    • Adaptability: A concise plan enables your organization to respond swiftly to changes in the business environment.
    • Performance Measurement: The plan serves as a benchmark for evaluating progress and identifying areas for improvement.

    Key Components of a One-Page Strategic Plan

    A one-page strategic plan should include the following critical components:

    1. BHAG Statement: A compelling statement describing your organization's desired ambitious goal. 
    2. Purpose: A clear description of your organization's purpose and the value it provides to its customers.
    3. Core Values: The guiding principles that shape your organization's culture and decision-making process.
    4. Goals: The high-level, long-term goals that drive your organization towards its vision.
    5. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): The quantifiable metrics used to measure progress towards strategic objectives.
    6. Rocks: The specific projects or large tasks and initiatives required to achieve strategic objectives.
    7. Responsibilities: The assignment of action steps to individuals or teams within your organization.
    8. Actions: The target dates for completing action steps and achieving strategic objectives.

    Creating Your One-Page Strategic Plan: 

    Step 1: Define Your BHAG, Purpose, and Core Values

    A company's Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) is a long-term, visionary target that challenges the organization to push its boundaries and strive for greatness. To define a BHAG, start by envisioning where you want your company to be in the next 10 to 30 years. Consider your industry, market trends, and the unique strengths that set your organization apart from competitors. Craft a bold, ambitious goal that inspires and motivates your team to relentlessly pursue excellence. A well-defined BHAG serves as a guiding star, providing a clear sense of direction for your organization's long-term growth and success.

    The purpose of a company is captured in its mission statement, which succinctly articulates the organization's reason for existence and the value it delivers to customers. To define your company's purpose, reflect on the core problems you aim to solve, the needs you fulfill, and the impact you aspire to make on your customers and the world at large. Alongside your mission, establish your organization's core values, which are the fundamental principles that underpin your company's culture and decision-making process. These values should be authentic, resonating with your team and guiding their actions, choices, and interactions. By defining a compelling BHAG, purpose, and core values, you create a solid foundation for your organization's strategic direction and a shared sense of purpose among your team.

    Step 2: Identify Strategic Objectives

    Identifying a company's strategic objectives is a crucial step in charting the course towards long-term success. Begin by conducting a thorough analysis of your organization's current performance, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT). This comprehensive evaluation helps you pinpoint areas that require improvement or have significant growth potential. To ensure that your strategic objectives are in line with your company's BHAG, purpose, and core values, consider the broader context of your industry, competitive landscape, and emerging trends that could shape your organization's future.

    When formulating strategic objectives, ensure that they are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Specific objectives provide clear guidance on the desired outcome, while measurable objectives allow you to track progress and gauge success. Achievable objectives ensure that your goals are realistic, taking into account your organization's resources and capabilities. Relevant objectives align with your company's overall mission and vision, while time-bound objectives establish a clear timeframe for completion. By setting SMART strategic objectives that directly address your organization's needs and opportunities, you create a roadmap that guides your team towards achieving your company's most critical goals and maintaining a competitive edge in the market.

    Step 3: Develop Key Performance Indicators

    Developing meaningful Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is essential for tracking your organization's progress towards its strategic objectives and enabling data-driven decision-making. To create impactful KPIs, start by aligning them with your company's strategic objectives, ensuring that they directly measure the performance and outcomes related to those goals. KPIs should be quantifiable, allowing you to objectively evaluate progress and identify areas for improvement. By focusing on the most relevant aspects of your business, you'll empower your team to make informed decisions and drive tangible results.

    To ensure that your KPIs are effective, follow the acronym SMART, which stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Each KPI should be specific enough to address a particular aspect of your strategic objectives, while remaining measurable to enable accurate tracking of progress. Achievable KPIs ensure that your targets are realistic and attainable, considering your organization's resources and capabilities. Relevant KPIs should directly contribute to your company's overall mission and vision, while time-bound KPIs establish a clear timeframe for achieving results. By developing meaningful KPIs that adhere to these criteria, you'll create a powerful performance management tool that drives your organization towards success and helps maintain a competitive edge in your industry.

    Step 4: Outline Action Steps / Rocks

    Rocks are 90-day objectives that align with your company's strategic objectives and help maintain focus on the most critical tasks. By breaking down long-term goals into manageable, bite-sized Rocks, you enable your team to concentrate on the most impactful initiatives, fostering a culture of execution and accountability.

    To create Rocks using the Scaling Up Methodology, start by reviewing your organization's strategic objectives and identifying the most pressing priorities for the next 90 days. These priorities should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Next, engage your team in the process, assigning each member one or more Rocks to own and accomplish within the quarter. Establish clear expectations, provide the necessary resources, and create a supportive environment that enables your team to focus on their Rocks. Throughout the 90-day period, schedule regular check-ins to assess progress, address challenges, and celebrate milestones. By implementing the Scaling Up Methodology and creating Rocks, your organization will accelerate its growth, maintain focus on key priorities, and foster a culture of execution and success.

    Step 5: Assign Responsibilities

    By allocating tasks and ownership, you empower your team with the autonomy and authority to make decisions, take action, and execute their responsibilities effectively. Assigning responsibilities also helps create a sense of accountability, encouraging team members to take ownership of their work and contribute to the success of the organization. This fosters a results-driven culture, where every individual understands their role and its impact on the company's overall objectives.

    Moreover, assigning responsibilities helps streamline workflows, minimize confusion, and avoid duplication of efforts. By delineating roles and tasks, you create an environment where everyone is aware of their specific duties and the expectations associated with them. This clarity enables team members to focus on their assigned tasks, collaborate more effectively, and optimize their time and resources. Furthermore, it allows managers and team leaders to monitor progress, identify roadblocks, and provide timely support and guidance when needed. In essence, assigning responsibilities is a critical component of effective teamwork, driving your organization towards its goals and ensuring that work is accomplished and completed with excellence.

    Step 6: Establish Timelines

    By setting well-defined priorities, executive teams can focus on the most impactful initiatives, ensuring that the organization's efforts are directed towards achieving strategic objectives. Timelines create a sense of urgency, encouraging the team to execute tasks efficiently and effectively, while also enabling progress tracking and performance evaluation. In essence, establishing priorities and timelines fosters a culture of accountability, discipline, and results-oriented decision-making, propelling the organization towards its desired future state and maintaining a competitive edge in the market.

    Monitoring and Updating Your One-Page Strategic Plan

    To ensure your OPSP remains relevant and effective, follow these best practices:

    1. Regular Review: Schedule periodic reviews to assess progress towards strategic objectives and KPIs. This enables you to identify areas that require attention or improvement. Ideally, do this at your Quarterly Meeting. 
    2. Adapt and Adjust: Be prepared to modify your plan as needed in response to changing market conditions or organizational priorities. Stay agile and adaptable to maintain a competitive edge.
    3. Celebrate Success: Acknowledge and reward your team's accomplishments in achieving strategic objectives. This fosters a culture of ownership and encourages continued progress.
    4. Communicate Progress: Keep your team informed about the status of your strategic plan. Regular updates promote transparency, engagement, and a shared sense of purpose.


    Crafting a OPSP is a powerful tool for driving your organization's success. By defining your BHAG, purpose, and core values, setting strategic objectives, developing KPIs, outlining action steps, assigning responsibilities, and establishing timelines, you create a roadmap to guide your team towards your desired future state.

    Remember to monitor and update your plan regularly, adapting to changes in your business environment and celebrating your team's achievements. With a well-designed OPSP in place, your organization will be well-positioned to outperform competitors and thrive.
