The Right vs. Learning Mindset – Why Curiosity Matters

It’s tempting to dig into our viewpoints and defend them at all costs. However, clinging too tightly to being right can limit our ability to learn, grow, and

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Could Sunlighting be a Viable Alternative to Moonlighting?

In the clients I coach, I've noticed a shift toward "sunlighting"—a term that describes how employees blend their personal projects and passions into their conventional roles, often with

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What Jim Collins missed in Good to Great, but Steve Jobs knew.

​It's been over 20 years since Jim Collins penned the instant classic, Good to Great. Since then, over four million copies have been sold. By any measure, the

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The Stop #TooBusy Challenge

"Too busy." How many times do I hear that each day? I'm guilty of uttering those words more regularly than I'd like to admit.  It's a catchphrase that

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BHAG: $4 Billion in Carbon Offsets by 2027

First off, what's a BHAG?It refers to Jim Collin's book, Built to Last. Jim refers to companies having a BHAG, which is short for Big Hairy Audacious Goal. Personally,

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Who’s Responsible for What? The FACe Tool.

The Function Accountability Chart (FACe) is a tool that helps to outline the key roles within a company. The chart breaks down each role and their corresponding responsibilities,

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5 Ways Your Company Can Become Carbon-Neutral

Global warming isn’t something we are debating. It’s here and we’ve got to deal with it. One of the many ways is becoming carbon-neutral on our way to

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Why I Joined Scaling-Up

Ever hear something twenty times before but suddenly on that twenty-first time, it resonates? Well that’s me. Only my twenty-one times has been over the course of 25+

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