Hi, I’m George, 91.5% of my life has been spent as an entrepreneur with a few brief instances of W2 employment. I’ve experienced the full cycle of entrepreneurship from the excitement of ideation and initial execution, closing large contracts, product failures, co-founder issues, making payroll, hiring and retaining top talent, acquisitions and everything in-between. The point is, I get it. If you are a fellow entrepreneur, I can empathize with your unique perspective on business. I’ve also “done my time” in corporate structures and director roles, and I’ve enjoyed giving back as a leader in the Entrepreneurs Organization. 

This stuff lights me up. I love working on businesses. The richness in ideas, human complexities, perspectives, and market challenges all weave together to make every situation somewhat unique. Whether it’s helping the leadership team in an organization function better or designing yearly business goals through meeting facilitation, hit me up. I promise I’ll be honest and direct with working with your team and if I’m not the best match, I’ll help you find someone who is. 

 - About Me

 - Sacred Cows Make the Best Burgers, It's Time to Grill!

Sacred Cows Make the Best Burgers, It’s Time to Grill!

"That's just how things are done in this industry."Does that phrase make your skin crawl? I'm with you!When you hear those words, you've stumbled upon a sacred cow; one of

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 - Hasta La Vista, Client!

Hasta La Vista, Client!

Let's get right to the point, some of your clients suck. There, I said it. And guess what? Showing them the door might be the best thing you ever do

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